Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What do you believe?

"Well, what do you believe?"

A thick silence followed. As her eyes began to bulge from her skull and she stared at me intensely, I could tell how important my answer apparently was to her. Still, I had to chuckle internally because it was truly bizarre to realize how different my answer was now than it would have been a year and a half ago. The question jarred me. In actuality the lady was only inquiring about my "religious beliefs." But although I replied with a simple, "I'm not sure," it really got me thinking.

What do I believe?

The answer to that question is rather blurry now, to be honest. There are a few things I am pretty sure of...
I believe you should be as kind to others as you can possibly manage. When you notice something lovely about someone, point it out to them. When you miss someone, call or visit them. When you are thinking about how someone is doing, ask them (and really listen to their answer). When you want to tell someone how you feel, write a letter. Reach out.
But also take care of yourself. If you are going to constantly wear yourself down to the bone, you might as well go ahead and dig your grave now. Pay attention to what you crave. Don't lose yourself completely in your involvements with others. Remember that your needs matter too.
When it comes to our purpose, I believe that the reason we have life is to enjoy it. That's it. Soak up every experience that you feel compelled to partake in. Everything you do doesn't always have to have a "point" or some grand objective. Sometimes it is perfectly okay to do something just for the hell of it. (Just try extra hard not to harm the helpless [children, animals, Earth] in the process.)
And for the love of trees, when something beautiful is happening, I believe you should stop analyzing it and trying to document every moment of it for future reference. Instead, just feel it. Be present.
There really isn't much else I know.

I do not believe we will ever reach a point when we can say, "I have arrived! I am who I am, and I know what I know." We are always in a state of "becoming"––becoming who we are, that is. So, I'm sure my answer to that lady's question will evolve over time.

This strange existence is a journey of some sort. However, I believe that it is not the journey's destination you should focus on. Stop racking your brains over "where you are going to end up." The fact that you are able to go anywhere is the real gift. Do not allow anyone to steer your sails for you. It is your journey, and you should be in charge of the direction and of all of the little divergences from the path along the way.

"Not all those who wander are lost," so, wander on my fellow nomads.

I'll see you around.
Until next time,